Ecclesfield School provides students, in Years 7 to 11, with impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks - a framework of excellence.
We encourage all students to actively engage in their careers education and to have high aspirations for their careers. Fundamentally, this takes places through:
Student Entitlement
Students at Ecclesfield School are entitled to careers education that is known and understood by students, parents and teachers:
To help students make decisions about their future and to learn about the world of work, our Career Programme delivers the provision of:
We promote parental involvement in the process of empowering students to develop the academic, social and employability skills, needed for lifelong success.
We use a range of resources to provide a consistently good access to careers education material, such as bespoke schemes of work, Unifrog and Classcharts. Any communications that students, parents/carers need, for that year group, can be found through Classcharts. We might also use Classcharts to set assignments, or notify students and parents/carers of virtual workshops.
When required, we will keep you updated on activities through Classcharts. But, don’t forget to follow Ecclesfield School on Facebook and/or Twitter, for other updates from the school.
Work experience is a fantastic opportunity for your child to experience the world of work, start thinking about their unique skills, job preferences and Post 16 pathways. As a school, we’re committed to supporting Year 10 students with the opportunity to gain real-world work insight, first-hand. There are a number of ways we support students to achieve this: guiding students, parents/carers through placement planning; providing related careers education support, to expand their personal development; and partnering with Sheffield City Council regards critical employer checks.
Discover more: https://ecclesfield-school.com/curriculum/WE
Labour Market Information (LMI) is information about what is happening in a labour market. LMI tends to focus on the industries that are growing and declining, the types and levels of jobs are increasing and decreasing and what supply of labour is available – numbers, skill and qualification levels.
If you wish to access the Minerva Trust Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance Policy, please visit our school polices page. Otherwise, please find our Careers related information below.