Minerva Learning Trust



Our Local Governing Body is composed of Parent Governors (parents of students within the school) and Co-opted Governors (members of the local community or people with skills and experience in particular areas). Over an academic year, our Local Governing Body meets half-termly to oversee, scrutinise and challenge on all aspects relating to the function of our school.

Our Chair of Governors is Katy Davison (email enquiries@ecclesfield-mlt.co.uk)

Our schools also have Lead Governors responsible for overseeing specific areas of the school. Our Lead Governors are:

Vikki Carolan – Safeguarding

Katy Davison – Vulnerable Groups (including Pupil Premium)

Hannah Connors – SEND

Simon Price - Careers

Table details all current LGB Members including terms of office and Pecuniary Interests

Name Date of Appointment Term of office from - to Governor Type Business or Pecuniary Interests Declared 2023-2024
Samantha Blashill 01/11/2022 14/12/2023 - 13/12/2026 Staff -
Vikki Carolan 18/09/2019 18/09/2023 - 17/09/2026 Parent Royal Society of Chemistry (Sheffield) – Committee Member. Sheffield United Cricket Club – Safeguarding Officer.
Hannah Connors 05/05/2020 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027 Vice Chair of LGB Trust Governor The Open House Project - Director.
Katy Davison 06/07/2022 02/09/2023 - 01/09/2026 Chair of Governors Co-opted Personal or close family relationship with a student at school. NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board – Employee. Windmill Hill Primary – Governor. Davison Property Services – Proprietor.
Emma Dunkerley 12/10/2022 14/12/2023 - 31/01/2026 Parent Nothing to Declare
Curtis Eddy 01/11/2022 14/12/2023 - 13/12/2026 Staff -
Simon Price 09/11/2019 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027 Trust Governor Governor at High Storrs School.
Sally Green 12/09/2024 15/10/2028 - Not confirmed

The table below details members of the LGB who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Name Date of Appointment Term of office from - to Date Stepped Down Governor Type
Martin Brader 01/09/2019 01/09/2023 – 31/08/2027 01/01/2024 Trust Governor

The table below outlines attendance and

Name Role Full Governors 18/10/2023 Full Governors 13/12/2023 Full Governors 31/01/2024 Full Governors 20/03/2024 Full Governors 14/05/2024 Full Governors 10/07/2024 Appointment Details
Simon Price Chair of Governors - Y Y Y Y Y Trust appointed Member 01/09/2019
Brian Surr Lead Local Governor Careers Y Y Y Y Y Y Trust appointed Member 01/09/2019
Martin Brader Lead Local Governor Vulnerable Groups Y Y N/A N/A N/A - Trust appointed Member 01/09/2019
Vikki Carolan Safeguarding Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Trust appointed Member 06/07/2022
Hannah Connors Lead Local Governor SEND Y - Y Y Y Y LGB Appointed Member 13/05/2020
Katy Davison Parent Governor Y Y - Y - Y Trust appointed Member 01/09/2022
Emma Dunkerley Parent Governor - - Y - - Y LGB appointed Member 07/02/2023
Samantha Blashill Staff Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Trust appointed Member 01/11/2022
Curtis Eddy Staff Governor Y Y Y Y - Y Trust appointed Member 01/11/2022

The Chair of the school governing body is Simon Price and can be contacted by email enquries@ecclesfield-mlt.co.uk.

Complaints regarding the school are to follow the Trust Complaints procedure Link MLT Statutory Information - Complaints Procedure and should not be made directly to the Chair of Governors.

Further information can be found on our Trust Governance page: Our Governance - Minerva Learning Trust

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