Minerva Learning Trust



Every Day Counts

A good full-time education provides you with the best possible start in life. Attending  Ecclesfield School regularly and punctually is essential if you are to make the most of the opportunities available to you and develop personal qualities expected in the work place. 

You are required by law to attend and be punctual to school 190 days of the academic school year.

Traffic Light Indicators:

Red: Below 93.8% Amber: 97% to 93.9% Green: 97.1% to 100%

Traffic Light Indicators:

Red: Below 93.8% Amber: 97% to 93.9% Green: 97.1% to 100%

Attendance during one school year Equals Days Absent Approximately Weeks Absent Number of Lessons Missed
96% 8 days 1.5 weeks 45 lessons
90% 19 days 4 weeks 100 lessons
85% 29 days 6 weeks 150 lessons
80% 38 days 8 weeks 200 lessons
75% 48 days 10 weeks 250 lessons
70% 57 days 11.5 weeks 290 lessons
65% 67 days 13.5 weeks 340 lessons

How can parents and carers help?

  • Ensure that children attend school every day. 
  • Ensure that children arrive to school on time. The school day begins at 8:40am and ends at 3:10pm. Study Support and extra-curricular Activities begin at 3:10pm  Students arriving after 08:40am will receive a same day detention. Any student arriving to school after 8:50am will be marked L and will receive a 20 minute detention that day. 
  • Contact the school's attendance officer on 0114 2461156 by 9am on every day of absence stating the reason. 
  • Medical appointments should be made outside school hours. Students will be asked to show appointment cards. 
  • Ensure that holidays are not taken during term time. 
  • Seek help from school if requiring assistance in improving a child’s attendance or punctuality.
  • Support the school and the attendance team in improving their child’s attendance and punctuality levels by attending meetings and engaging with agencies.
  • Have a regular early bed time, have quiet time before bed, turn off the TV, computer, tablets and mobile phones.
  • Give them their own alarm clock.
  • Have their bag, equipment, planner and uniform ready the night before.

Attendance Officer Attendance Officer
Ms N Fear Mrs H Myers
Telephone: 0114 2461156 ext 1165 Telephone: 0114 2461156 ext 1126
E-mail: attendance@ecclesfield-mlt.co.uk E-mail: attendance@ecclesfield-mlt.co.uk
Accessibility Statement