As the Headteacher it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our wonderful school.
Here at Ecclesfield School we understand the power of education to transform lives, communities and society. In everything we do we aspire to achieve individual and collective excellence through nurturing every students unique potential to make sure when they leave and enter the outside world they are ready to succeed and make an invaluable contribution to the wider society.
All our staff work tirelessly to ensure that our students are given the very best opportunities through their education. My belief is that people achieve the best outcomes when they enjoy what they’re doing, feel safe and are rewarded for their commitment and success. Our philosophy is simple and is based around our core values of Work Hard, Be Kind, Aim High, Show GRIT. We expect the very highest levels of behaviour and attitude to learning from our students, coupled with a real focus on building positive relationships. The level of pastoral care here at Ecclesfield School is excellent and we take every opportunity to study a wealth of subjects at both Key Stage 3 and 4. We are continually adapting our curriculum to meet the needs of our students and to give them the best life choices post 16.
Our wider school life gives students the opportunity to travel all over the world, take part in shows, give back to the local community, be a part of a team, go out into the working world, experience other cultures and meet people from all walks of life.
I look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure that all our students are successful during not only their time at Ecclesfield School but also in their future careers.
Mr R Walkden