Keeping Your Child Safe Online
Your child’s safety is our number one priority. Whilst learning remotely, please be aware of the following:
• Students must use their school account to access live lessons and must use their school email address to email work into school
• In live lessons, teaching will be in groups only
• Students’ cameras and microphones should be switched off before joining a live lesson. Whilst cameras should remain off for the entirety of the lesson, the teacher may ask students to turn the microphones on if answering a question
• The chat function should only be used to ask a question about the learning or to answer a question asked by the teacher
• Language must be appropriate at all times
• Live lessons will be recorded
• Any behavioural concerns will be dealt with as appropriate and by following school policy and protocols
If you have any concerns about your child’s online safety, please contact the school as soon as possible by emailing enquiries@eccoschool.com
If you wish to access our remote learning policy please visit our polices page.