We would like to wish our Year 10 students the very best of luck for work experience week. Remember to live and breathe our Ecco values: Aim High. Work hard. Be Kind. Show GRIT. We are proud of you!
This year, work experience placements for Year 10, will be arranged through the school’s online careers programme, Unifrog. Please see the Work Experience section for more details on how to apply for your Work Experience Placement on the Unifrog Portal. .
Support Sessions for accessing Unifrog, and applying for work experience are available to Year 10 students, on a Monday and Tuesday Lunchtimes in K225.
As a parent/guardian of a Year 10 student, or an employer, you DO NOT NEED a Unifrog login to consent to your student’s placement. An email will be generated via Unifrog, containing a link to allow both parties to consent to the placement.
Please ensure that your student has the correct email address for yourself, as well as the employer to enable successful contact.
For any other queries regarding Year 10 Work Experience, please email: workexperience@ecclesfield-mlt.co.uk
We would like to remind students, families and employers of this important information;
Employers expect students to attend work on time and on each day of their placement and will have made provision to support them. Should your child be too unwell to attend their placement, please contact BOTH school via the school attendance line (0114 2461156) AND their employer by 9am each day of absence, stating the reason for absence.
In the event that questions and/or concerns do arise, students and/or employers and/or parents/carers should contact school via the email: workexperience@ecclesfield-mlt.co.uk.
Should any concerns be related to safeguarding, please make contact with a member of our safeguarding team on 0114 2461156 or visit https://ecclesfield-school.com/statutory-information/safeguarding and complete an online safeguarding enquiry form.
If you have concerns for a child out of school hours, please contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 2734855. If you are worried a child is at risk of immediate harm, please call 999.
Experience tells us that students who make the best of the week return to school feeling energised and motivated for their future beyond school. To ensure this does happen, we ask all students to embrace this occasion; to impress colleagues with their positive behaviour, attitude and achievements; to represent our school and themselves with pride and finally, to have fun.
Good luck to all students completing work experience this academic year and we hope you have a fantastic week!