Minerva Learning Trust

Design and Technology

Design and Technology

What will my child learn in this subject?

Our Ethos

It is our belief that creativity is an essential part of education, and everyone has the ability to find their own creative niche. When you provide a learning environment in which students have the confidence to trust their instincts; innovation can flourish.

When studying Design and Technology, pupils will be able to immerse themselves into a creative and inspirational environment, where they are given the opportunity to explore real life problems, and gain the skills required which will allow them to have the confidence to create solutions without the fear of failure. Young people are hardwired for connection and creativity, the learning experience in Design and Technology is an active physical practice, when this method is utilised the knowledge gained is embedded in their learning psyche. By showing pupils what they are capable of achieving, providing them with that safe comfortable space, it leads them to a growth mindset and an understanding of the impact of which Design and Technology has on the environment, daily life, culture and technological evolution.


Our Aims

5 Year Plan

The aim of design and technology within the curriculum at Ecclesfield School is to create a learning environment that is adaptable, creative, alternative, exciting and inclusive. We want pupils to leave the school confident within themselves, that they are capable of evolution and development within their ideas, its ok to fail on the way, there is no innovation without failure when it comes to design, however with the knowledge and skills we teach them they will know that success comes from an iterative approach. Design and Technology is the only subject that incorporates a full rounded curriculum, the learning taking place includes a broad spectrum of subjects, science, history, geography, mathematics, english language, ICT and art. The qualifications achieved in either Engineering or Hospitality & Catering can be applied to many different areas in further education, apprenticeships, vocational courses, A-levels and T-levels. It is important to us to be able to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to be able to pursue a creative vocational career path.


  • Research and explore, identify and understand user needs.
  • Identify and solve their own design problems and understand how to reformulate problems given to them. 
  • Develop their own and follow given specifications.
  • Follow an Iterative design process.
  • Communicate their ideas and solutions effectively.
  • Use specialist tools and equipment in workshops and kitchens.
  • Apply a wide range of materials, ingredients and processes to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Test, evaluate, analyse and investigate.
  • Develop, model and create prototypes.
  • Resolve the detrimental environmental impacts through design.
  • Apply the knowledge that they have acquired; and with confidence construct successful answers to exam questions.


  • New and emerging materials, ingredients, technology and processes within design and food technology.
  • The appropriate application of tools, equipment and ICT encompassing health and safety.
  • Design, product and ingredient history, product evolution and product life cycles.
  • A healthy lifestyle and the impact it has on our well-being.
  • How design can be used to create and change our surroundings to be inclusive.
  • The use and application of cross curricular skills.
  • The environment and how to protect it, including the local and wider community.
  • How to insert their skills learnt into their everyday life and use them effectively.
  • A broad varied range of post 16 and career path opportunities available to them in this field.

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