The Physical Education department provide opportunities for student success through a broad curriculum and competitive experiences. The Physical Education department aims for our students to become confident and physically literate in a way which supports their wellbeing. In addition to this, we focus on providing opportunities for students to compete in sport and other activities in order to strive for their best, build GRIT and embed values such as team work, kindness and respect. Our belief is to ensure we teach high quality lessons so that students enjoy physical activity to embed a lifelong healthy & active lifestyle after their school experience.
Our curriculum will be engaging and provide a broad range of activities as well as leadership, coaching and officiating opportunities along side theoretical and practical development. There will be a variety of experiences including sports trips so that they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.
In KS3 teachers will plan challenging lessons in sports activities including games, aesthetics, net and wall, strike and fielding as well as athletics.
In KS4 there will be an opportunity for students to gain a qualification in OCR GCSE PE or OCR Cambridge National Sport Science alongside various sporting activities.