Minerva Learning Trust



What will my child learn in this subject?

Our Ethos

Science is for everyone

The science curriculum is a 5 year journey. Although the majority of our pupils will follow the same path, no two pupils will have the same experience. They all have different start points, and will travel at a pace that is suitable, they will all have slightly different end points.

We will ensure that pupils understand that Science is essential to daily life.

Our Aims

5 Year Plan

  • We will structure our 5 year curriculum so that clear links are made between different concepts and topics.
  • We will structure our lessons so that retrieval tasks are fully embedded.
  • We will deliver our lessons using techniques aimed at lowering cognitive load.
  • We will assess and question continually so we can identify and address misconceptions.
  • We will enhance our curriculum to raise the science capital of our pupils.


  • Pupils will be able to plan and carry out experiments to test a hypothesis.
  • Pupils will be able to explain how to obtain valid methods.
  • Pupils will be able to analyse and explain data sets and represent them in the most appropriate form.
  • Pupils will be able to evaluate their methods and discuss how precision, accuracy and validity can be improved.
  • Pupils will be able to discuss why peer review is an essential process.
  • Pupils will be able to discuss and justify why scientific ideas, models and theories have developed over time.

Biological Knowledge

Pupils will learn about the organisation and structure of the living world.

This will begin on a microscopic level, observing and understanding simple cells. They will then learn about how cells are arranged into tissues, then systems and organisms. Finally they will understand how different organisms interact with each other and the world around them to form ecosystems and biomes.

Chemical Knowledge

Pupils will learn about materials; how we use them, how we combine them and how we manipulate them. They will learn about how our understanding of the materials that make up our universe have developed over time, beginning with what we can see, feel and (quite often) smell, and how through experimentation and technological advancements we now have a more thorough understanding of materials on a atomic and sub-atomic level.

Physical Knowledge

Pupils will learn how the transfer and storage of energy is fundamental to all of the different physical processes around us. They will be able to explain the science behind everyday concepts such as how radiators heat rooms, how radiation can be used in medicine, how and why state changes occur and how power stations provide electricity to our homes.

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