Minerva Learning Trust

Business (GCSE)

Business (GCSE)

What will my child learn in this subject?

Our Ethos

As business teachers we are giving students the opportunity to develop business knowledge and enterprise skills through delivering inspiring, passionate and exciting lessons readying students for the world of business.

Our Aims

By the time students leave Ecclesfield School they may be working for a business or other organisation. After studying Business with us, they will have an insight into just how businesses operate, including how to set up a business of your own.


  • Analytical Thinking: They will learn how to analyse business situations, identify problems, and propose effective solutions. This involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Applied Numeracy: Business studies often involve working with financial data, which helps improve numeracy skills. Students will learn how to interpret financial statements, calculate ratios, and make financial projections.
  • Communication Skills: Through presentations, reports, and discussions, students will improve their ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both in writing and verbally.
  • Research Skills: They will learn how to gather and evaluate information from various sources, which is crucial for making informed business decisions.
  • Time Management: Meeting deadlines is crucial in the business world. Students will learn how to manage their time efficiently to complete tasks and assignments.
  • Ethical Awareness: Students will gain an understanding of ethical issues in business, such as corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and fair trade.
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking: They will learn about entrepreneurship, innovation, and how to develop and market a business idea.


  • • Marketing, including advertising, development of products, setting the best price.
  • • Recruitment, including how businesses get the right staff and keep them working well.
  • • Business structures, including the different ways to set up a business.
  • • Finance, including how businesses get the money to set up and operate and how they make a profit.
  • • Business operations, including how businesses produce the things we buy.
  • • Influences on businesses, including the environment and how many businesses are operating around the world.

How you will be assessed 

In Y11, students will sit two exams at the end of the course, each 90 minutes long. There is no controlled assessment.

Some questions will be multiple choice, others will be extended writing to test students’ ability to explain why they made a particular decision.

Accessibility Statement