Minerva Learning Trust


PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Careers, Economic Education)

What will my child learn in this subject?

Our Ethos

As PSHCE teachers, we will provide a safe and supportive environment in which all students will be able to openly discuss PSHCE topics and ask questions that are relevant to them. We will do this by modelling respect and kindness, and by teaching sensitively and inclusively. We will provide our students with a relevant, stimulating and interesting curriculum that embeds rich knowledge over time and enables them to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships, and builds their self-efficacy. We recognise that our students are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and off-line. We will ensure that as teachers, we are up-to-date with the changing digital landscape, which will enable us to be responsive to their needs. We will provide them with the knowledge they need in relation to the law and give opportunities for them to embed new knowledge so that they can use it confidently in real-life situations.

Our Aims

5 year plan

By the time students complete their study of PSHCE at Ecclesfield School, they will have thought deeply and critically about pertinent topics that are relevant to them. They will have grown in compassion, self-awareness, and they will be unafraid to ask questions that are important to them. They will be able to identify how and when to ask for help and they will know how to access support. They will have embedded knowledge that they can apply to real-life situations which will enable them to lead happy, fulfilling lives in which they enjoy healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds. They will have grown in their appreciation of who they are, what they want to do, and will have a clear understanding about how to achieve this. They will have secured places in further education or training, and be ready to take their place as informed, respectful, contributing members of contemporary Britain. They will have developed their understanding of fundamental British values; developed their understanding and appreciation of diversity, and be ready to promote respect for the different protected characteristics as defined by law.


  • Students will be able to discern quality of information both on and offline.
  • Students will be able to keep themselves safe both on and offline.
  • Students will be able to identify their own personal interests and match them to the needs of the world.
  • Students will be able to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and seek help if necessary.


  • Students will know a wide range of subject specific vocabulary and be able to use it accurately.
  • Students will embed their knowledge over time so that it can be applied to real life situations.
Accessibility Statement